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Ünsal Öztürk – Türkiye Davası

Unsal Ozturk vs. Turkey Case

Selin Sinem MERCAN

8 ŞUBAT 2011

Başvuran Öztürk’ün kitaplarının çoğuna terörle mücadele kanunu kapsamında el konulmuştur. Başvuran mahkûm edilmiş, bir yıl beş ay yirmi gün hapis cezası çekmiş ve 5,121 Euro tutarında para cezası ödemiştir. Yerel mahkemelerin hangi kanunlara dayanılarak kitaplara el konduğunu belirtmemesi nedeniyle ifade özgürlüğüne haksız müdahalede bulunulduğu konusunda şikâyetçi olmuş ve bu şikâyetini Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin 10. maddesine dayandırmıştır. AİHM Sözleşme’nin 10. maddesinin ihlaline ve başvurana, manevi tazminat olarak 9,000 Euro (dokuz bin Euro), yargılama masraf ve giderleri karşılığında 1,500 Euro (bin beş yüz Euro) ve ödenecek tarihe kadar basit faiz uygulanmasına karar vermiştir.

AİHS 10. Madde, İfade Özgürlüğü.

The applicant is Unsal Ozturk who was born in 1957 and dwells in Ankara, also he is the owner of ‘’Yurt Kitap Yayın.’’ In 1990s’, it was determined that some books which were published by the company of the applicant included propaganda constituents violating various articles of the law to fight terrorism numbered 3712 and insults to Ataturk’s memory against the law numbered 5816. The applicant was sentenced to one year, five months and twenty days and he fined 5,121 Euro. Most of the books which were stated earlier were confiscated. On the 21st, December 1994, the applicant filed an application to European Court of Human Rights in terms of his conviction and the books which were confiscated. On the 4th, October 2005, European Court of Human Rights confirmed breach of 7th and 10th articles of European Convention of Human Rights. The applicant, among the other cases, filed a complaint about unfair intervention to freedom of expression on the ground that local courts did not manifest that the books were confiscated referring to which laws and he attributed this complaint to the 10th article of European Convention of Human Rights. The government objected to this assertion. Taking into consideration the similar previous cases, this case, the result of the violation of freedom of expression, was adjudicated within the framework of the requirements of law. And also, it is a fact that Turkish legal system does not allow the courts to base their decisions on possibilities, local courts can only decide whether a crime has been committed. The boundaries were drawn by the phrase “unless stipulated by the law”, in accordance with the 2nd paragraph of the 10th article of the European Convention of Human Rights unless following legitimate purpose or purposes and to achieve these objectives “unless it is necessary in a democratic society”, and for this reason, its conflict to 10th article of the European Convention of Human Rights was described.

ECHR Article 10, Freedom of Expression.


Başvuran 1957 doğumlu ve Ankara’da ikamet etmekte olan Ünsal Öztürk’tür ve kendisi aynı zamanda“Yurt Kitap Yayın”ın sahibidir.

1990’lı yıllarda başvuranın şirketi tarafından yayımlanan bazı kitapların, 3712 Terörle Mücadele Kanunu’nun çeşitli maddelerini ihlal eden propaganda unsurları ve 5816 Kanun’a aykırı olarak “Atatürk’ün anısına hakaretler” içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. Başvuran mahkum edilmiş, bir yıl beş ay yirmi gün hapis cezası çekmiş ve 5,121 Euro tutarında para cezası ödemiştir. Söz konusu kitapların çoğuna el konmuştur.