Patriotic Essence of the State
Devletin Vatanseverlik Esası
Edward V. SUSLIN,Svetlana V. PAVLOVA
This article aims to study the relationship between moral values and the existence of State based on the views of Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, who lived during the first half of the 20th Century. Ilyin was a Russian philosopher, who studied and was influenced by Hegel’s philosophy on state and law, and based on his personal experience in Russia and exile; he developed a concept of the conscience of law, based on moral and religious values of man, and regarded it as essential for the very existence of law. After examining works of Ilyin, article follows with an evaluation that aims to demonstrate the importance of religious and moral values in the creation and preserving the State, which in Ilyin’s view is naturally strong and almost absolute. Finally, the article links Ilyin’s view with today’s Russia, by relying on its Constitution and focuses of its moral foundations, as also understood from the constitutional provisions, and claims that the moral and religious values are existed in the very nature of the Russian State.
Ilyin, State, Religious and Moral Values, İndividual.
Makale 20. Yüzyılın ilk yarısında yaşamış olan Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin’in fikirleri çerçevesinde ahlaki değerler ile devlet arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Hegel’in devlet ve hukuk üstüne felsefesini incelemiş ve etkilenmiş olan Ilyin, Rusya’da ve sürgündeki yaşamının da etkisi ile hukukun vicdanı kavramını ortaya atmış ve bireyin sahip olduğu ahlaki ve dinsel değerler üzerinden, hukuk vicdanı kavramının hukukun varlığı için mutlaka gerekli olduğunu ileri sürmüştür. Ilyin’in konu ile ilgili çalışmalarını inceledikten sonra, makale ahlaki ve dinsel değerlerin, Ilyin’e göre doğal olarak güçlü ve neredeyse mutlak olan devletin ortaya çıkmasında ve muhafaza edilmesinde sahip oldukları önemi sergilemeye çalışmaktadır. Nihayet makale, Ilyin’in fikirlerini günümüz Rusya ile ilişkilendirmek için Anayasasına atıfta bulunarak, Anayasada ki düzenlemelerden de anlaşıldığı üzere, Rus devletinin kökeninde ahlaki ve dinsel değerlerin doğal olarak var olduğu sonucuna varmaktadır.
Ilyin, Devlet, Dinsel ve Ahlaki Değerler, Birey.
No public law research can be isolated from the study of the cultural development of the state, understood as an abstract moral body. Moral values characterize the higher demands of people and unlike wealth; they cannot be expressed in quantitative terms. They reflect the human desire to improve the truth that will allow it to realize its essence better.
Historical experience shows that neither the state nor an individual alone can serve such purpose, which is the meaning and aim of human society. Only moral ideals and moral values can be supplied as cornerstones of the human life and the whole nation.
Religious understanding of culture, the historical process of scientific knowledge, philosophy and law and the state ideology etc. were the cornerstones of religious philosophy in Russia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as marked by the names of V.I. Solovyov, B.N. Chicherin, P. Sorokin, I.A. Ilyin and other religious scholars. A distinctive feature of this period was the religious basis of philosophical, political and legal ideas and their similarities to and continuity with the ancestral knowledge of being a Russian tradition. This characteristic that provides for the connecting link between the formation of the Christian tradition of knowledge of law (in the person of Metropolitan Hilarion) and its continuation at the present stage, is stated as being necessary for moral rebirth.
Religious consciousness finds primarily religious (moral) ideal (sense) as a phenomenon and the religious and moral virtues lie at the base of scientific analysis in these cases that form the cultural values. They act as the criteria for justice. Hence civilization identity is defined by features of religious traditions, specific forms of moral, philosophical and political consciousness.